Friday, February 23, 2007


I just have stuff to say today. Nothing of real importance, but I figure if you're reading this blog you care enough about me to want to know what's going on in my little world, so here we go! :-)

Let's see... First of all, I have 18 more pounds to go before I reach my 20 lb. weight loss goal. My pants are already loose on me. I have lost more than the afore mentioned 2 lbs. from last week, but I don't know how much. People have been asking me how much I've lost and I don't know. I just know that I feel much better about the way that I look and my clothes fit much better. Actually, I don't really care how much I weigh, I want to wear a size 10. I think that would make me happy.

Tonight Jeff and I are going to see that new Hugh Grant/Drew Barrymore movie. It was, of course, my choice. He wants to someday go see that 300 movie they have been advertising. He said if I would go see that with him then he would owe me a chick flick. Well, I told him if I went to see that movie he would owe me DreamGirls! He refuses to go see that with me. Wonder why? But he is taking me to see MercyMe on March 9th. I'm quite excited about that.

Last night I had my Mary Kay open house. I got a new recruit! Hopefully I'll be able to make some money with this little business. I don't have a whole lot of time to devote to it, but if I can get a nice client base then it'll be easy.

I guess that's all the ramblings I have for today. I'll check in with you later!